3 people
1 green flower
Green basin
Green square block
White mirror block
White present block
White toilet
3 white house windows
3 white house doors
White flap post window ,
White table
Blue flat block
3 blue chairs
2 blue beds
Blue window frame
Blue door frame
Orange flower
2 orange drawers
Orange kettle
Orange cot
Dark pink toilet seat
2 dark pink squares curved edges
2 dark pink open faced blocks
Dark pink rectangular sink
Dark pink rectangular stove
2 light pink rectangles
1 light pink square
11 light pink flat blocks
2 light pink triangular blocks (walls for roof)
3 light pink square walls
2 red large roof parts
Yellow flat juice block
3 large yellow floor bases
Loaf of bread
3 wall covers (in 3 pink square walls)
Silver pot
2 sleeping bags (previously three)
original box
large drawstring bag with blue trim