Term and Condition


Terms and Conditions April 2023

The Manawatu Toy Library is a local community toy library for people living in the Manawatu

Manawatu Toy Library is run and funded by volunteers and local organisations and businesses. We strive to provide you and your children with a wide range of age appropriate and educational toys and equipment. 

How Manawatu Toy Library works

  • You pay a membership fee which is valid from the date of membership fee payment being received. 
  • You can borrow up to three toys for three weeks at a time. There is also the option to renew borrowed toys twice per loan period, for an additional three weeks. This can be done online via our member website, or in person at the library.
  • Your membership is either; annual, six months, or three months. 
  • You are responsible for cleaning and checking the condition and description of the toys (and all parts). Please inform the duty librarian of any discrepancies so the toy record can be updated. 
  • You may choose to reserve a toy ($10 per annum ) or the party table and chairs item for an additional hire fee ($10 or $25)
  • Members are to provide their own batteries for any battery operated toys. 
  • Membership is non-transferable or refundable (unless the member encounters severe illness or material hardship and as agreed by the Committee. Applications for this must be made in writing and will be reviewed on a case by case basis). 

At home

  • Please take care of Manawatu Toy Library toys so that other children can enjoy them.
  • Ensure your children know how to use the toy/s safely. Please choose age appropriate toys. 
  • PLEASE always clean your toys before returning. 
  • Never leave Toy Library toys outside (unless they are designated as ‘outdoor’ toys).
  • Never lend Toy Library toys to friends.


  • Broken toys/missing parts: If a toy is missing or broken we will ask you to contribute towards the replacement costs of the item, as per our Missing and Broken Toy Policy. This is under the discretion of the committee. 
  • Missing storage bags or boxes: Loss of these will be charged at full replacement cost. 
  • Please return all your toys at the end of your membership, to enable other families to benefit from our service.

Opening hours:

Monday 9.30am-12.30pm

Thursday 9.30am-12.30pm

Saturday 9.30am-12.30pm

We are open during school holidays, however we are closed public holidays and long weekends. Hours are subject to change at the discretion of the committee will be communicated on the premise, online and on our Facebook page.


Email: manawatutoylibraryinfo@gmail.com for any enquiries.